Entering a new troop should not be overwhelming. This page is designed to help you sort through the necessary paperwork and make your introduction to Scouting enjoyable.
The following forms may be printed, completed and returned to the Committee Chair at your next meeting.
- Each new scout is required to complete a youth application to be submitted with your son’s registration fee.
- It is recommended that at least one parent/guardian complete an adult application. There is always a need for committee members to do boards of review for the boys and assistant scoutmaster’s to assist the boys in achieving ranks.
- Troop By-Laws/Operating Guidelines should be read by the scout and parent(s)/guardian(s). The By-laws contain information on how the troop is run, and the rules and requirements set by the troop committee.
- Each Scout must have on file a current copy of their completed Physical/Medical Form, which must be completed each year by a physician and kept current. All adults who will be camping or participating in troop events need to have the same form on file for themselves.
- A Troop Resource Survey form is completed by adults to help us determine merit badge counselors.
- Scout Uniform Inspection is a part of the scouts responsibilities and this form also outlines the official placement of insignias.
- Merit Badges is a handy link from National Council that explains merit badges in more detail.